North Dakotans for Privacy

Welcome to the North Dakotans for Privacy website! We are a group of citizens concerned about our privacy rights in the digital age. This website is a resource for information and advocacy on privacy issues.

We are an organization created by North Dakotans in order to teach other North Dakotans why they should value their privacy and why they should protect their privacy.

We also aim to help connect North Dakotans to those who can impact their privacy, such as legislators and business leaders.

Check the links in the sidebar for more resources, sites, and guides related to privacy.!

Here you will find:

  • Information about your privacy rights in North Dakota
  • Tips on how to protect your privacy online and offline
  • Ways to get involved in the fight for privacy

We believe that everyone has the right to control their personal information. Together, we can work to create a more privacy-protective world.